Zachary was diagnosed with croup and then RSV... It's been a fun, stressful time, but he seems to be getting better. He should only need this treatment for 2 weeks. He doesn't like the mask, but calms down and smiles when we sing Itsy Bitsy Spider to him. What is a nebulizer? A nebulizer is a machine that uses compressed air to deliver asthma medicine as wet aerosol, a mist that can be inhaled. Nebulizers are most often used for children younger than 5, people who have difficulty using inhalers, and those with severe asthma. Nebulizers are also used by people with chronic lung diseases, such as emphysema. The most common medications used in a nebulizer are bronchodilators (such as albuterol) to help open up air passages and inhaled steroids. Nebulizers have three main parts: a cup that holds the medication, a mouthpiece or mask attached to a "T"-shaped part, and a thin, plastic tube that connects the mouthpiece to the compressor. There are home and hospital models of nebulizers, as well as portable units. The portable machines run on batteries or can be plugged into your car's cigarette lighter. How to use a nebulizer Read the equipment instructions completely before using your nebulizer, because directions vary from one manufacturer to another. The medication solution that you will use in an aerosol machine may come in a multi-dose bottle with a dropper, or in a small plastic vial. Steps for using a nebulizer: Wash your hands prior to preparing each nebulizer treatment ...
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